Thursday, January 27, 2011

helloooo out there

This week has flown by. I've been running around all week at work and also planning my surprise for these lovelies... how is it already Thursday?

This week...................

*Sean and I met with a realtor and talked about buying a house {more about that later!!}

*I listened to Copeland non-stop in my office, man I miss them :(

*I drooled over this adorable wedding video

*I also watched this crazy ass movie.... seriously, blew. my. mind. {Kirsten Dunst is in it, how could it not be amazing?}

I think I'm in a little bit of a winter funk. Meaning, all I want to do is sleep and watch trashy reality tv. My best friend is visiting from D.C. this weekend, and my god-sister is having a baby shower... so hopefully they can pull me out of it!

What do you do in the winter time to keep your energy level up?


  1. Buying a house!!!
    How exciting, I can't wait to finish my training and finally get a house of my own.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Good luck house hunting! Have a great weekend =)

  3. You know I'll pull you out of that funk! Love you and can't wait to do what we do best - party :)

    Also, that wedding video almost made me cry, not surprising since I cry at everything butttt it was super sweet...I have another one I need to show you that is adorableee!


speak your mind! always!

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