Sunday, July 25, 2010

I give you, Denise!

It's that time again........................................!!!
I am so excited to share with you one of my very good friends, Denise. She was a partner in crime throughout college -still is!-, one of my bridesmaids, and will forever be one of my all time favorite free spirited feminists... I heart you so much, D! {you guys will love her... trust me....}

Say hello to Denise!
tell us a little something, something about yourself!

What's your sign?
Sagittarius, the archer. I'm a proud Sag!
What's your favorite thing in the world to do?
I love cooking. It is one of the biggest forms of exploration and creativity I do these days. It's also how I unwind after a long day at work. I get so much enjoyment out of trying new things in the kitchen and hunting for new recipes on the web. It's also a bonus preparing something delicious for my husband while I'm at it. I even got him to enjoy eggplant the other night! Score!
 Best Childhood memory & why?
I wouldn't say the best childhood memory because there's just way too many of those, but a definitely a funny one.. getting into habitual arguments with my mom about whether or not the lyrics to Salt & Pepper's "Shoop" were about sex or not. Being in the 3rd grade, what did I know? She was right, they were about sex.
Name 5 interesting facts about yourself.
1. When I was a kid, black was my favorite color. My mom let me dress myself. I was six years old, nearly dressed from head to toe in black (I even had tie up combat boots). Growing up in a very small, conservative, country community .. I raised TONS of eye brows and one of my teachers even asked my mom why she was dressing me that way.

2. I used to have a go-cart with pink racing stripes. I sold it when I turned 13 to buy clothes.
3. I rarely if ever wash my makeup off before I go to bed (shame, shame, I know). And I will not leave the house without mascara.
4. My biological father passed away on the same day and year as my husband was born. (August 4, 1985)
5. I like M&M's in my popcorn and coke floats any time of the year.

If you could travel any place in the entire world, where would it be & why?
Any where with my husband. No, seriously any where! I love to travel and would be happy any where in the world that he is. But to be more specific, here are some off the top of my head: Venice, South Africa, Austria, Indonesia, and China (I really want to see the Great Wall!)

Tell us a secret {shh! We won't tell anyone...}
I pick my nose a lot - especially while I'm at work and sometimes I get caught. Oops...



  1. Nice blog! Excited to be your newest follower! I like your header.

  2. I pick my nose too! WHO DOESN'T?! Great post. I love your Sunday Funday! (and also, thanks for your comment about the ripped jeans thing...i love them too, but it was interesting to hear everyone's opinions...i agreeed with you the most!)

  3. Me too! i thought I was the only one LOL! I'm new to your blog and I can't stop singing that Bangles song now.

    I hope someday I start to get lots of joy from cooking.


speak your mind! always!

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